Fatima Priest

Fatima Priest

  • $14.32

Fatima Priest

Fatima Priest is a modern day story that inspires religious calling but disturbs concerned mothers. The author has unknowingly paralleled, in his story, the person Father Gruner has devoted his life's work to making understood and responded to. Just like Nicholas Gruner, Sister Lucy was part of a loving, religious family. Both had their lives changed forever by the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. Lucy dos Santos was given a message to warn the Church and the world about the dangers of Russia. She was told the requirements necessary to avoid persecution, annihilation and the devil's reign on earth. Father Gruner studied that message and for his entire priesthood has tried to get the Pope and the bishops to respond to God's demands: the consecration of Russia by the Pope and his ministers. Just as Lucy found members of the church's hierarchy using whatever means they could, including outright lies, to silence her, Father Gruner has endured persecution form the very people who are supposed to be God's chosen representatives. Alban chronologically leads the reader through the life of a man who could and should have given in to pressure from his superiors to be silent or at the very least "politically correct". Physical force was tried when other, illegal means, were unsuccessful. Interviews and anecdotes are interwoven in a masterful way to show how the efforts by Satan's followers are courageously thwarted by this priest and his loyal followers. --"A Customer", Amazon Review
Binding Paperback
EANs 9780981535760
Manufacturer Good Counsel Publications
ProductGroup Book
Title Fatima Priest
UnitCount 1

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