The Book of Common Prayer, 1549: Commonly Called the First Book of Edward VI; To Which Is Added the Ordinal of 1549, and the Order of Holy Communion, 1549 (Classic Reprint)

The Book of Common Prayer, 1549: Commonly Called the First Book of Edward VI; To Which Is Added the Ordinal of 1549, and the Order of Holy Communion, 1549 (Classic Reprint)

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The Book of Common Prayer, 1549: Commonly Called the First Book of Edward VI; To Which Is Added the Ordinal of 1549, and the Order of Holy Communion, 1549 (Classic Reprint)

This is a reprint of the First Prayer Book of the Reformed Chureh of Christ in England; it has been commended by a high authority as the noblest monument of piety, of prudence, and of learning which the sixteenth century constructed. Let every one who examines it bear the following points in mind as he reads: I. It was the result of study and long preparation, and essentially the work of English divines, such as would now be styled Old Catholics: it is therefore a correct exponent of the principles of the English Reformation. ii. It came into use on Whit sun-day, June 9th, A. D. 1549, by authority of the Church in Convocation and the State in Parliament; and no other Prayer Book had that joint sanction till 112 years afterwards. ni. They who put it forth declared, officially, their belief that it agreed in all particulars with the most sincere and pure Christian religion taught in Holy Scripture, and with the usages of the Primitive Church, and that its compilers had been aided by the Holy Ghost. iv. In less than two years, another volume was substituted for it, by the authority of King and Parliament, with the assent of some of the Bishops and Clergy. v. This Second Book of Edward VI., which was the First Book revised, defaced, and generally maltreated, was put forth in the vain hope of conciliating certain radicals and ultra-reformers in England, whom nothing would have satisfied but the extirpation of the whole Catholic sjstem, and certain foreigners, who, having rejected the Episcopate and the Catholic traditions, were founding new churches on an independent basis, and inaugurating presbyteral and congregational disciplines, with inordinate boasts of their value and purity. vi.
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About the Publisher

Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklo
Binding Paperback
Manufacturer Forgotten Books
ProductGroup Book
ReleaseDate 2012-06-25T00:00:01Z
Title The Book of Common Prayer, 1549: Commonly Called the First Book of Edward VI; To Which Is Added the Ordinal of 1549, and the Order of Holy Communion, 1549 (Classic Reprint)

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